/ba.'brook/ Review by My Old Kentucky Blog

My Old Kentucky Blog Review Online

Aimee Bobruk's new 12-song opus, /ba.’brook/, glistens with sad, beautiful sounds.  The Austin-based composer and all-around artiste (I love the mailer she used to send me the CD) worked on the album with Brian Beattie (bass playing with Glass Eye; production for Daniel Johnston, Okkervil River, Shearwater) and drummer Dony Wynn, who’s used banana peels and metal for some of his percussion kits. Sound like a pile of creative energy? Well, it’s a quietly confident pile of creative energy; laced with achingly gorgeous guitar tendrils, out of the box percussion and effects, and Bobruk’s avant-pop compositions, which linger in the aural palate in the very best way, kind of like the yummiest mocha mousse ever.

Even though it’s not out until January 29th, /ba.’brook/ is so enticing, I’m moved to share it with you now.  ‘Cause in my world, holiday shopping doesn’t begin in November and end in January; it’s a year-‘round affair.

Bobruk (or whoever’s with her in this video for “Two of a Kind”) looks pretty cute as a guy. And, well, that’s just confusing.

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