Roxwel "Two of a Kind" Video Premiere

Roxwel is excited to bring you the EXCLUSIVE premiere of indie singer-songwriter Aimee Bobruk's new video for "Two of a Kind".

"Two of a Kind" is the first single and video from Aimee's upcoming new album,/ba.'brook/ (a phonetic spelling of her Russian last name), out January 29th, 2013. "When I hear music, I see pictures and the other way around. So naturally, when I write songs it starts with me trying to set an image to words and sound," the Huntsville, Texas native and Austin-based songwriter says of her writing process.

Paintings, cartoons and old silent movies have inspired Aimee in making /ba.'brook/, and proved to be a great influence for her video for "Two of a Kind."

"On the day of the shoot, I was a female flapper at 11AM, and by 7PM, I was a 1920's-era gentleman," says Bobruk of the video, inspired by the 1922 silent film Beyond The Rocks starring Rudolph Valentino and Gloria Swanson. "In early theater and film, it was a very common practice for one actor to play multiple roles, both male and female, and since the song was originally a duet with myself - an older demo vocal recorded to a laptop, and a new recording - it seemed only fitting that I play both characters in the video.

The video isn't the only aspect of the track with a vintage feel. "The track itself was produced to sound like an old recording brought back to life," Bobruk says. "It's kind of like what happened with Elvis' 'A Little Less Conversation.' My original demo vocal was very shaky and lo-fi, and I loved the fragile texture of it, so we arranged the song into a duo that would consist of my old vocal side-by-side with the new track."

On the upcoming album, Bobruk chose to collaborate with producer/bassist Brian Beattie and drummer Dony Wynn. Beattie hails from Austin's avant-garde punk rock band Glass Eye and has produced albums for Daniel Johnston, Okkervil River, Bill Callahan and Shearwater. Wynn has worked with such artists as Robert Plant and Robert Palmer is known for building his drum kits out of everything from banana peels to filing cabinets.

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