KUT Radio Austin Picks "Two of a Kind" as the Song of the Day

“When I hear music, I see pictures and the other way around,” says Austin singer-songwriter, Aimee Bobruk. “So naturally, when I write songs it starts with me trying to set an image to words and sound.” Those who study synesthesia might perk up with this statement, but for music fans, it’s also an interesting idea. Bobruk claims that a number of paintings, cartoons, and films inspired her upcoming album, /ba.’brook/, out January 29.

The visual element is even in the record’s title, a phonetic spelling of her unusual last name. Bobruk worked with some Austin luminaries to help craft her vision. Brian Beattie–longtime bassist for the local punk outfit Glass Eye–produced the effort, having previously worked with Daniel Johnston, Okkervil River, Shearwater, and Bill Callahan. The inventive percussionist Dony Wynn sat in behind the kit, following stints with Robert Plant and Robert Palmer.

But the real star on the record is, of course, Bobruk herself. Taking cues from old Disney film scores, the songs contain certain fantastical elements that really make you take notice. “Two Of A Kind” starts off sounding like a cassette demo before a higher-definition version works its way in. The mixture of crystal-clear sound and warbling analog accents lends intimacy to the song, and it’s all topped off by Bobruk’s ethereal melody. Whatever the sounds give you visions of, you can certainly see–and hear–the young artist’s singular talent.


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