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Beats Per Minute: On Deck, Aimee Bobruk

Far from being just another glossy face in a glut of singer-songwriter’s to emerge in recent years, Aimee Bobruk makes music which openly revels in its own eccentricities and unconventional approach to the material. And while not falling too far from the conventional wisdoms of the genre within which she finds herself, Bobruk’s music nevertheless feels distinct and pulses with an adaptability that few other artists have managed to achieve. er latest record, the appropriately phonetic /ba:’brook/, shimmers with mournful sounds and an eye and ear toward eclectic arrangements. Boasting production duties from Brian Beattie (Shearwater, Okkervil River, Daniel Johnston), the songs feel organic without pretense, sure-footed without ever feeling static. Her songs simply exist, and Bobruk plucks them from the air as easily as she takes a breath. Recently, she took some time out of her busy schedule and talked with Beats Per Minute about some of her favorite records. Enjoy her choices in our latest installment of On Deck.

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Bobruk Brings Cinematic Sound to Youngstown, OH

Aimee Bobruk draws on a host of diverse influences with her songwriting and recording.

On her new album "/ba.'brook/" (the phonetic spelling of her last name), there's "A Day in the Life," which has the bouncy naivete of Kimya Dawson's songs from the soundtrack of the movie "Juno." "Desert Bloom" was inspired by a passage from a Carson McCullers short story, while "Perfect Circumstance" was influenced by a Japanese theater production she saw in Scotland.

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