Aimee Bobruk's ButteryFly Stroke: Local Singer Swims for SIMS

Bobruk swims race to raise over $500 for Austin's SIMS Foundation.

The local singer set a $500 fundraising goal for the local foundation, which provides low-cost mental health services for local musicians. It was a counselor there that encouraged Bobruk to seek regular exercise. She’s used SIMS services for the last two years.... Bobruk, possessed of a quavering alto and this year’s breakthrough disc, joined a swim team early this summer. It meets mornings three times a week for an hour, during which she works on her flip-turns and does integral training. As with most outside activities for a musician, gigging sometimes gets in the way.

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"In Your Own Language" on KUTX Radio Austin Music Minute

All it took was the first listen to the album /ba:’brook/, and your Austin Music Minutemaven was hooked. Aimee Bobruk steps straight out of a dream, but keeps those vivid, surreal images fresh in your mind so you don’t forget them. From there, she creates her own interpretation and images of it all. At least, that’s what it feels like.--Laurie Gallardo, KUTX

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Beats Per Minute: On Deck, Aimee Bobruk

Far from being just another glossy face in a glut of singer-songwriter’s to emerge in recent years, Aimee Bobruk makes music which openly revels in its own eccentricities and unconventional approach to the material. And while not falling too far from the conventional wisdoms of the genre within which she finds herself, Bobruk’s music nevertheless feels distinct and pulses with an adaptability that few other artists have managed to achieve. er latest record, the appropriately phonetic /ba:’brook/, shimmers with mournful sounds and an eye and ear toward eclectic arrangements. Boasting production duties from Brian Beattie (Shearwater, Okkervil River, Daniel Johnston), the songs feel organic without pretense, sure-footed without ever feeling static. Her songs simply exist, and Bobruk plucks them from the air as easily as she takes a breath. Recently, she took some time out of her busy schedule and talked with Beats Per Minute about some of her favorite records. Enjoy her choices in our latest installment of On Deck.

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Daily Local News Philadelphia Interview

Aimee Bobruk, a singer/guitarist who has been writing and performing for over 10 years, is neither a pop princess cranking out radio-friendly hit singles nor your average singer-songwriter strumming on a guitar and singing about lost love.

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Aimee Bobruk is "Two of a Kind" All By Herself

Austin's singer-songwriter darling Aimee Bobruk will be in town at Anderson Fair this weekend, and to herald her arrival, she recently recorded a fantastic music video for her tune "Two of a Kind." It's a simple yet fetching throwback to the days of silent film, with Bobruk playing both her feminine side as a flapper and a dapper gentleman in the vein of Charlie Chaplin.

The pair ape for the camera, trading affectations across a split screen that both enables communication and very definitively keeps them apart. It's a basic trick, but it brings the fractured nature of the song itself right to life.

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Bobruk Brings Cinematic Sound to Youngstown, OH

Aimee Bobruk draws on a host of diverse influences with her songwriting and recording.

On her new album "/ba.'brook/" (the phonetic spelling of her last name), there's "A Day in the Life," which has the bouncy naivete of Kimya Dawson's songs from the soundtrack of the movie "Juno." "Desert Bloom" was inspired by a passage from a Carson McCullers short story, while "Perfect Circumstance" was influenced by a Japanese theater production she saw in Scotland.

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Made in Austin: Aimee Bobruk and the broad and mischievous sounds of /ba.’brook/

Aimee Bobruk lives in a snug pocket of sounds and artifacts, where dry roses hang from the ceiling and watercolors from strangers cover the walls. The buzz of brewing coffee follows the rhythm of raindrops falling outside, becoming the soundtrack to our conversation. I quickly learn that both Bobruk’s music and personality are reflected in the warmth of her home. The singer-songwriter attempts to stick to the subject of her upcoming album, /ba.’brook/ (to be released Jan. 29), but her words inevitably travel, in between soft “ums” and “uhs”, from lyrics to literature to film and everything in between.

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/ba.'brook/ Review by Nanobot

"Track by track, she conveys more than her meaning, she conveys beautiful new memories."

 isn’t some “force to be reckoned with,” in fact Bobruk would probably slap me if I were to use that phrase in describing it. Her purpose is deeply rooted in simply what she wants to do with the hope that her emotion comes through."

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/ba.'brook/ Review by My Old Kentucky Blog

"...a quietly confident pile of creative energy; laced with achingly gorgeous guitar tendrils, out of the box percussion and effects, and Bobruk’s avant-pop compositions, which linger in the aural palate in the very best way, kind of like the yummiest mocha mousse ever."

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Top Pick by BabySue

"Intriguing and decidedly unconventional modern pop from Austin, Texas-based artist Aimee Bobruk....sepctacular....This is a brilliant albym that will immediately be embraced by pop fans around the world."

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Two of Aimee’s strongest songs are found near the album’s end.  An alt-country vibe runs through “Is There Nothing”, which features pedal steel guitar lines that follow Aimee’s plaintive vocals as she asks “Is there nothing I can do or say / to make you wanna stay?”  “Trigger Finger” is even more of a venture, with Aimee displaying an emotive frisson that is nonexistent on previous album tracks.  Against minimal accompaniment of guitar and emphatic drums, Aimee sings in an anxious tone about the subject of violence and relationships, cutting through any niceties with the lines “Down on your knees / stop begging please.”

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"Two of a Kind" Video Review

I am usually a big fan of split-screen videos, as well as any time one person plays more than one character at the same time, so it's not really a surprise that this clever, 1920s-themed video for "Two of a Kind" by Aimee Bobruk is so good. It's very creative, and the aching, vintage sound makes the track really great too.

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Roxwel "Two of a Kind" Video Premiere

"On the day of the shoot, I was a female flapper at 11AM, and by 7PM, I was a 1920's-era gentleman," says Bobruk of the video, inspired by the 1922 silent film Beyond The Rocks starring Rudolph Valentino and Gloria Swanson. "In early theater and film, it was a very common practice for one actor to play multiple roles, both male and female, and since the song was originally a duet with myself - an older demo vocal recorded to a laptop, and a new recording - it seemed only fitting that I play both characters in the video.

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